Check-In and Check-Out Procedures for Clubs and Programs
(303) 982-1674 – Leave a message on this voicemail to let us know about attendance concerns, such as planned absences, schedule changes, drop-ins and other attendance matters.
We love getting to know you and enjoy checking in with your family! Please be patient with us during check-in and check-out. Sometimes it is too busy for us and we need to focus on our students. We hope you are able to wait until students are all safely checked in, so that we can talk with you and address any concerns that you may have. You can also email or call the Director with concerns, ideas or accolades.
Director Tracie Mayes | VM 303.982.1724 | [email protected]
Morning Extended Day Program and Clubs:
Drop-Off – begins after 7:00am for the AM Extended Day Program and some clubs might have a different start time or meeting area. (See your club flyer for details) Bring your child(ren) to the double doors outside the cafeteria. This is in the back of the school. Have your child knock on the window if the door does not open immediately or have them check in with the supervising adult if we are outside. Please do not leave until you see your child enters the building or checks-in with a Project Prepare Team member.
We do not have parents sign in and we do not call parents if their child is absent for the AM Extended Day Program.
At the end of our morning program or club, we allow kids to get a school breakfast (This is not supplied by Project Prepare) or we take them to their class.
Evening Extended Day Program and Clubs:
Check-In – We expect your child(ren) to attend every club day and/or days that you scheduled for the PM Extended Day Program. We will give snacks and take attendance in in the cafeteria, immediately after school. We ask that your child walk through the school to the cafeteria to keep them safe. Club instructors will escort their students from the cafeteria to the club areas at 4:00 p.m.
Kinder and 1st Grade – We will escort all Kinder and 1st grade students directly from their classrooms to the cafeteria after school, including the confirmed Drop-In students for each day.
Drop-In – If you do not have set days for your child, you will need to call (303) 982-1674 EVERY DAY before 2:00 p.m. for the day your student will be staying. That way, we know to make SURE your student has checked into our program. If you do not call, we will assume you have made other arrangements, and will not expect your child(ren) to attend the Extended Day program.
Absence - Call Project Prepare if your child will NOT be attending a scheduled club or program: 303-982-1674 by 2pm on that day. If a child does not check in with us on their scheduled day, we will begin a search for them in their classroom, in the office then eventually by the school loudspeaker. Once completed, we start calling the contact information you included on your registration form until we get confirmation of the child’s location. We take this very seriously and ask for your cooperation by calling our attendance VM if you know your child will be out and by answering our call/text immediately. We prioritize our calls for emergencies only unless you ask us to call for other reasons as well.
For the safety of your child, call us if your child will not be attending a scheduled club or program, for ANY REASON (home sick, picking up early from school, etc.) This is different than the main school attendance line. It is important that you leave a message for Project Prepare at (303) 982-1674 by 2pm on that day, so we know not to expect them.
Check-Out – You (or those that you have designated on our registration form) must sign your child(ren) out. We will not release your child to anyone outside your pick-up list for safety reasons.
PM Extended Day Program
Please come to the cafeteria’s double doors, located at the back of Foster Dual Language PK-8. We will be providing a variety of activities that may take place in various places such as the cafeteria, playground, school garden, the gym, and elsewhere. A note on the cafeteria’s double doors or a staff member will direct you if we are in a different location. All students must be picked up no later than 6:00 p.m. or a late fee will be charged. Please call attendance if you are running late.
Please pick up your child from the Foster Dual Language PK-8’s double doors outside the cafeteria. This is in the back of the school no sooner than 10 minutes before the club is over. If your child attends the PM Extended Day program the same day as club you may pick them up later in the evening. Please don’t leave without signing out your child. A note on the doors or a staff member will direct you if we are in a different pick-up location. 10 minutes after the club is over, we will begin calling and a late fee will be charged.
Late Fees - Each 15-minute increment you are late for pick-up you will be charged $10. Our staff’s time is closely monitored, and any overtime can create complications with other schedules. The primary contact will be called directly after 6:00pm then charged.